Monday, April 16, 2007

I am going to do a better job this week, I promise

So, since I have no interest in doing my homework like I should, I am going to write in my blog tonight....

This morning we had free, so I slept late, of course, and then washed my sheets. Fabric Softener is the best invention of human kind ever. Well, that may be a slight overstatement since it is relatively useless without a washing machine, but it has improved my HORRIBLE SCRATCHY sheets about 100%. Consequently, I am about 100% happier. Then off to the grocery store for more food, and hangers for my clothes. I also worked some more on my new, very cool website I am very proud of it, but it is no where near finished yet.

Later today we had our first day of our second class in Greece. This section is going to focus on Ancient Greek drama. We read the play The Persians for class today and discussed the model of Ancient Greek tragedy. The class was interesting, but I did not entirely care for the way our teacher asks vague questions while looking for a very specific answer. My roommate described it as an academic game of "guess what is in my pocket." It got very frustrating very quickly for the entire class because we were not able to provide the answer he was looking for. When we finally got to it, we kind of wanted to strangle him, because his questions actually led us away from his answer in a lot of ways. The one amazing thing he did do though was to shut up the obnoxious kid in our class who often says very dumb things that are barely tangentially related to the subject at hand and are only intended to make him look intelligent, but fail miserably. The teacher pretty much shut him down completely which in my book makes him a good teacher.

After that I had another 2 1/2 hours of Greek class, again. I am about to go ito Greek class overload, but luckily next week only have 1 1/2 hours for the ENTIRE WEEK! I love the class and I love our teacher, but enough is enough, ok?

Then tonight for dinner I went to the Souvlaki Shop in the square that is pretty good. After all of those classes I was starving and ended up eating 1 1/2 gyros in about 2.5 seconds flat. They were amazing but now I may never eat again.

And now I should actually do my homework so that I can go to bed at a reasonable hour...


D. said...

After that I had another 2 1/2 hours of Greek class, again. I am about to go ito Greek class overload, but luckily next week only have 1 1/2 hours for the ENTIRE WEEK! I love the class and I love our teacher, but enough is enough, ok?

No, with modern Greek, it's NEVER enough ;). As Socrates said "Εν οίδα, ότι ουδέν οιδα" ;).

Bridgit et al: Despite your efforts to portray me as some kind of menacing/mysterious being, I reassure you I am a lot more ordinary than you imagine. I am just an avid blogger situated in Athens, Greece who wants to marry Bridgit's sister without ever having met her :P.
For more information, check my blogger profile (all data there is 100% accurate)

This time I beat you to commenting. Time zones are on my side ;)

Kara Bou Hoops said...

Alright, to be fair to Bridgit, she is just a nosey parker (like everyone in my family) who wants the best for me, which I can only appreciate. Mystery is often good too...and who doesn't enjoy a good mystery?

As for Modern Greek, there is a point where my brain stops absorbing and I just start goofing off...and I reached that point today. Too much info, not enough time to absorb is the real problem I am having I think.

And finally, marry me? I'm really flattered! ...I would never have expected my blog to be interesting enough for anyone other than my family to read it, let alone to elicit the interest of a "mysterious" stranger. You pretty much made my day...

Unknown said...

Okay, a few things.

First of all I do not need Kara's defending as KARA has not ties to mysterious random boy.

And D. Until I know you're name, age and marital status you are mysterious. The end.

D. said...

kara: Apologies for my frivolous marriage proposals. I guess I was blinded by passion :P. Let's not rush into anything we will regret later (ROTFL) Wanna talk on AOL messenger? What time of the day do you log in?

Kara Bou Hoops said...

All the time...haha. honestly, whenever i am not in class, and not doing homework, like right now...